![CS507 Assignment 2 solution 2020](https://www.vustudy.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/CS507-Assignment-no-2-Solution-2020-400x270.png)
CS507 Assignment No 2 Solution 2020
CS507 Assignment 2 solution Spring,2020
CS507 Information Systems Assignment No 02 Spring 2020 Solution & Discussion
CS507 Assignment 2 solution 2020, ( Solution # 1)
A system has three basic elements input, processing, and output. The other elements include control, feedback, boundaries, environment, and interfaces.
Task: Attempt quiz
1. Input: Input is what data the system receives to produce a certain output.
After successful login , students can go to the subject section and will click on the “submit quiz “ option.
2. Output: What goes out from the system after being processed is known as Output
The system will show the quiz page to the students.
3. Processing: The process involved to transform input into output is known as Processing.
The system will process the input and navigate the student to another page.
4. Control: In order to get the desired results it is essential to monitor and control the input, processing, and output of the system. This job is done by the control.
Quiz has a timer, so the control mechanism will automatically handle the time of each question, once the time will end, the system will move toward the next question, until and unless the user will not press the “next” button.
5. Feedback: The Output is checked with the desired standards of the output set and the necessary steps are taken for achieving the output as per the standards, this process is called Feedback. It helps to achieve much better control in the system.
After attempting the quiz system will give you feedback by saying that you have successfully attempted the quiz.
6. Objective: The boundaries are nothing but the limit of the system. Setting up boundaries helps for a better concentration of the actives carried in the system.
Example: The expected results are gained like students attempted the quiz and system performed as expected.
7. Environment: The things outside the boundary of the system are known as the environment. Change in the environment affects the working of the system.
Our internet system, electricity both come into our environment. If Our internet system is not good and light is off during quiz time, we are unable to attempt it
8. Interfaces: The interconnections and the interactions between the sub-systems are known as the Interfaces. They may be inputs and outputs of the systems.
All students use the LMS system for attempting the quiz.
1. Closed-Loop system:
“A closed-loop control system considers the current output and alters it to the desired condition. The control action in these systems is based on the output.”
If LMS will be closed-loop system it should have input, output, control, feedback, and objectives.
Feedback is the major point that differentiates the closed-loop system from the open-loop system.
Login into LMS system:
Either successful or failed login.
Control mechanism:
Control the login attempt after that blocked the LMS account or Control the schedule of assignment and quizzes(after due date submit option will automatically disappear).
The output of the system depends on the input. If a student will enter something wrong system will send an alert.
LMS as a closed-loop system should generate the expected result.
Our internet should be good and there is no light issues for attempting a quiz.
All students use the LMS system for attempting the quiz.
2. Open Loop system:
An open-loop control system acts completely on the basis of input and the output has no effect on the control action.
LMS as an open-loop system should require three components input, process, and output.
1. Input can be:
Students can able to open the assignments upload /quiz attempt links.
Users can able to view the marks.
2. The process can be:
System processes the information either the user is authorized or not.
The system should upload the assignment file and check the format of the file.
3. Output can be:
The system will show the message that the assignment is uploaded successfully.
CS507 Assignment 2 solution 2020, ( Solution # 2)
1. Human Resource Department(human resource information system): A human-resources department (HR department) of an organization performs human resource management, overseeing various aspects of employment, such as compliance with labor law and employment standards, administration of employee benefits, organizing of employees files with the required documents for future reference, and some aspects of recruitment and employee offboarding.
2. Marketing Department(Marketing information system) A marketing department promotes your business and drives sales of its products or services. It provides the necessary research to identify your target customers and other audiences. Depending on the company’s hierarchical organization, a marketing director, manager or vice president of marketing might be at the helm.
3. Financial Department(Financial Information system) The superusers can manage the system administration and maintenance, without the help of costly consultants.reduce the costs of data processing.reduce the need to employ additional resources. The finance department can meet the needs of management more extensively and quickly.
4. Manufacturing Department(Manufacturing information system) Increasing your profitability. Increased product quality. Ensures you comply with government regulations. Increased customer satisfaction. Helps in waste reduction. Increased teamwork. 5. IT department( information Resource information system) Communication with help of information technologies the instant messaging, emails, voice, and video calls becomes quicker, cheaper, and much efficient. Globalization and the cultural gap by implementing information systems we can bring down linguistic, geographical, and cultural boundaries.
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