free digital marketing course

Digital Marketing


Free digital marketing course in pakistan

what is digital marketing?

Digital Marketing simply means online promoting awareness of products, services & its benefits they provide to potential customers over the internet.

what is a digital marketing strategy?

Digital Marketing can be defined as promoting brands or products and services using all forms of digital advertising. We can say, digital marketing uses Television, Radio, the Internet, mobile, and any form of digital media to reach customers in a timely, relevant, personal, and cost-effective manner.

Digital marketing is an efficient marketing strategy for both big brands and small businesses. An accurate method can aid business holders to target a new audience, increase the visibility of their site, and generate more sales and revenues.

Free Online Digital Marketing Course In Pakistan

The DigiSkill Program is aimed at equipping youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with the knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

This training will benefit every qualified Pakistani who is committed, dedicated, and sincere in helping out the national economy while earning a good decent income for your household.

Click here for All digital marketing course videos.

What you will learn After completing this course, a trainee will be able to:

  • Learn the dynamics of Digital Marketing Freelance Jobs
  • Learn the foundations of Digital and Social Media Marketing
  • Understand the evolution of the Marketing discipline from the traditional to the digital medium, and its importance in the current age
  • Develop effective and contemporary Digital Marketing Strategy
  • Understand and implement the process of Digital Marketing through the use of various tools
  • Engage and attract traffic to Digital Assets through the use of tools and techniques
  • Learn how to monitor, optimize and evaluate the Digital Marketing strategy through the use of Data Analytics
  • Learn how to be an effective Digital Marketing Freelancer.Digital marketing hand on Exercise
  • Here You can download a Digital marketing hand-on exercise, it will help you with the preparation of your final Assignments…
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