STA301 Current Final term Papers 2021

STA301 Current Final term Papers 2021 Shared By Virtual University Students

STA301 Final term papers 2021

Dear Students, Here you can Find the Current Finalterm Paper  Fall 2020-21 as well Past papers and MCQs. This will help you in preparation for your current Final term Examination.

 STA301 Finalterm Current Paper Dated 05-3-21

Null & Alternative hypothesis long questions with mcqs.

Bivariate probability distribution with mcqs.

Sample mean & Variance k questions tay bohot, short + mcqs.

Binomial and hypergeometric sat mcqs tay

STA301 Today Current Final Term Paper Fall 2020-21


McQ Past Past 90%
Z Test
Null Hypothesis
alternative Hypothesis
Normal distribution
Find n and q
Poisson Distribution
Yay topic kr lo paper 90% ata hoga tume baki Allah malik hay mayra yay aya tha aj

STA301 Final Term Current Paper
Today paper

Mcqs 20% from past paper
Whar is BCR?(2)
What is geomatrical hyperiogen?
AunionB &Aintersactionc find krna tha?(3)
P and n given tha mean and standerd division find krna tha bionomial distribution?(3)
Ploly card
How many black card, diamond card ,heart card,
Face card,queeen card?(5)
Continous random waly topic sh question tha integeration krnh thi?(5)
t-distribution ?(5)

Here You Can Also Down Past Final term papers Solved by virtual university students.

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Dear students past papers like Arslan Finalterm Solved Papers are the source to get good marks but that is not enough for you. You have to read your handouts, PowerPoint slides, assignment questions, and video lectures that are easily available for you in your VULMS, Vu content library, and YouTube channel of VU. Past Papers are just a source of last night preparation that can help you to judge the subjective and the objective questions. This will increase your knowledge to attempt the paper and you can get high percentage marks.

Here you can download Arslan Finalterm Solved Papers for all subjects…

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