The virtual university of Pakistan offers a program about Linear Algebra -Mth501 Past Papers for their students. The main topics you can expect to learn in linear algebra are Vectors: Drawings of one or more line segments that suggest a specific direction projected in a specific space, also defined as lines that have a specific size, direction, and meaning. They are graphically represented as linear segments and consist of the following elements: direction, orientation, point of origin or application, and length or module. Matrix: Two-dimensional set of numbers or elements arranged in rows and columns, arranged in a rectangular shape. They allow the representation of coefficients with systems of linear equations. Root: A quantity multiplied by itself a specific number of times to obtain another quantity or number as a result. Finding the base of the power consists of knowing the exponent of the root and the quantity of the sub-radical. To find or subtract the root, an operation is performed that is the opposite of potentiating, just as subtraction is the inverse of addition. Determinant: It is the expression obtained by applying the elements that make up a square matrix following certain rules. In systems of linear equations, all equations are first order and their graphical representation is a straight line. It may have no solution, it may have a unique or infinite solution.
Here you can download Handouts, Midterm solved papers, Final term solved papers, and much more stuff. This is a great opportunity for you to get prepare for the exam through past papers and get good marks in your virtual university Exams. Click on the link below…
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